Canine Cognitive Zooanthropological Training and Rehabilitation

Postgraduate type
Professional Master Programme
Academic year
1 year
First level
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
Department of Veterinary science
Further information
ECTS credits
Department of Veterinary Science
Access requirements

Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, specialist degree or old order of any degree class, degree awarded abroad, recognized as suitable according to the regulations in force by the Executive Committee for the sole purpose of enrollment in the course. 

Contact for educational information
Beginning of teaching activities
January 2025
Link to the call
Methods of implementation
The teaching activities of the Master will be provided part-time on non-working days
Educational content

The cognitive-zooanthropological approach allows to face with a new perspective the education, education and behavioral rehabilitation of the dog by evaluating both the relational, social and mental aspect. It is based on the most recent behavioural acquisitions implemented in Italy. The presence of a teaching staff with diversified professional training but that recognize the same approach, allows the learner to acquire a unique basic competence of open-minded able to face the individual individuality of the animal with the most optimal educational and rehabilitation techniques against the individual subject. The theoretical lessons will be entirely held at a computer platform, and the practical lessons outdoors. The ultimate goal is the establishment of a professional figure who knows how to collaborate with the Veterinary Surgeon experienced in behavior.
The Projeck work of the effective duration of 375 hours, will take place with the support of professionals such as Veterinary Doctors experienced in behavior and Dog Lovers Instructors. It will focus on practical meetings both at shelters/ kennels and aimed at the systemic dog-family. Project work becomes a very relevant tool to put into practice the theoretical notions learned during the Master and allow the learner to start experimenting in the world of work. The student will have to present a dissertation regarding the discussion of 2 cases of behavioral rehabilitation, one of which will be held in kennels. In the draft you will have to deduce the evaluation path ( in collaboration with the Veterinary Doctor experienced in behavior), and the subsequent rehabilitation plan directly managed by him.

Admission procedure

chronological order of submission of the application

Minimum number of enrollments
Maximum number of enrollments
Professional profile

The course is aimed at training canine instructors with theoretical-practical skills on the education, education and rehabilitation of the dog, starting from a knowledge of the mind and its cognitive abilities, and continuing with a systemic approach to the human/animal relationship.