Psichology (administrative hub Parma)

Postgraduate type
Dottorati di ricerca
3 years
Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries
Access requirements

The Access to doctoral positions is through public selection. All the information and requirements are contained in the relative call for admission.

The call for applications for admission to the next 40th cycle - a.y. 2024/2025 - start of courses 01/11/2024 will be published approximately in the period June/July 2024. 

At the moment it is possible to consult the old expired call link  

Link to the call
Further information
Research topics

The doctoral course in Psychology aims to train researchers capable of planning and carrying out basic research and research applied to clinical, social, educational, health and organizational contexts. The analysis of psychological processes in complex societies, of learning and development processes in typical and atypical contexts and of the processes involved in clinical and social intervention are the main themes that will guide the research paths of PhD students.
In order to achieve these training objectives, in addition to constant dialogue with their tutor, PhD students are offered various activities:
a) Disciplinary training seminars, chosen independently by the PhD student in agreement with the thesis supervisor;
b) Methodological training seminars held by members of the College;
c) Training activities for the acquisition of soft skills proposed by the board and by the doctoral school in Human Sciences;
d) Other training activities, such as Summer or Winter Schools, periods of study and research abroad, participation in national and international conferences.


Prof.ssa Ada Cigala

T. 0521 034828 E.