Health and Social Services Management

Postgraduate type
Academic year
1 year
Second level
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
University of Parma, Department of Economics and management
Further information
ECTS credits
Department of Economics and Management
€ 4.216,00
Access requirements

a) all second-level degree classes (referred to in D.M. No. 509/99 and D.M. No. 270/04);

b) degree obtained according to the pre-reform regulations D.M. n. 509/99;

c) equivalent qualification issued abroad, recognised as eligible according to the regulations in force by the Executive Committee for the sole purpose of registration for the course


Contact for educational information

Prof. Antonello Zangrandi

Contatti per informazioni didattiche: 0521 902392

Beginning of teaching activities
February 2025
Methods of implementation
The teaching activities of the Master will be delivered in presence. Some lessons could be delivered remotely in synchronous mode
Educational content

At the end of the Master, participants will be able to: manage structures and areas of intervention of health and social-health organizations, knowing how to plan; manage and coordinate the development, recruitment, integration and management of financial resources, human, structural and technological; evaluate the type, quantity, quality and cost of the services offered; design a project in the health, social and health field and guide it until the full achievement of the result; design management tools such as criteria for quality assessment, cost analysis, organizational impact assessment; analyze and understand the phenomena of demand and supply of health services

Admission procedure

Test of selection for titles and examination.

There will be a reduction in contributions, if paid by external bodies (both public and private) that pay in the name and on behalf of their employees; in particular:
1) in the case of two participants from the same institution, a reduction of 10% is foreseen for both participants in the total contribution;
2) where there are 3 or more participants from the same institution, a reduction of 15% of the total contribution is foreseen for each participant.


Minimum number of enrollments
Maximum number of enrollments
Professional profile

The Master is an advanced training course during which the professional acquires professional skills and specific skills that will allow him to assume a managerial role, intermediate or apical level, in public and private health facilities or other organisations operating in the health sector. The Master is aimed at those who want to deepen and systematize the issues of organization and management of health services to offer the labour market a set of skills capable of coordinating services and managing complex activities oriented towards the defined objectives from strategic directions.