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Apply for Management engineering

Double degree with the University of the Republic of San Marino and New Jersey Institute of Technology


Degree course
Free access
course in Italian
class L-9
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

50% engineer, 50% manager. Better yet: 100% engineer and 100% manager. This is what you become by enrolling in Management Engineering at Parma, the most 'hybrid' of engineering courses, dedicated to studying and delving into the increasingly strong links between technological and economic-organisational variables.

Moreover in Parma, to meet the different vocations of students and the diverse requirements of companies, the course is divided into a section of common teachings, and another section of teachings grouped into 5 more specific curricula from which students can choose.

Depending on the curriculum chosen by the student, the course is focused on:

  • distinctive competences in industrial engineering (Industrial curriculum);
  • distinctive skills in mechanical, plant and automation technology (Production curriculum);
  • distinctive competences in the field of business engineering (Organisation curriculum);
  • sustainability topics (Sustainability curriculum);
  • theoretical and practical topics in artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence curriculum*).

Thus if you plan to work in the fields of production and logistics systems management, large projects and technology and big data, this is your course.

* Currently awaiting approval by the Academic Bodies.

Access type

Open access

Are you a future non EU student? To find out how to enrol click here.


Not mandatory.

After graduation

A degree in Management Engineering opens up career opportunities both as an engineer and as a manager. Graduates in Management Engineering are among the most sought-after and valued professionals.

The Artificial Intelligence* curriculum of the course of study in Management Engineering opens the door to all professional opportunities that require a solid background in both theoretical and practical aspects of artificial intelligence:

  • study of artificial intelligence application scenarios, including deep learning and large language models;
  • study of the foundational aspects of artificial intelligence with a focus on machine learning and machine reasoning;
  • study of the foundational and application aspects of collective intelligence and intelligent agents;
  • study of the application scenarios of artificial intelligence for management and marketing;
  • study of the application scenarios of artificial intelligence in manufacturing;
  • study of the application scenarios of artificial intelligence in the industry sector.

The Artificial Intelligence curriculum provides immediate employability but is also ideal as a basis for continuing your studies with a Master's degree.

* Currently awaiting approval by the Academic Bodies.

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